Purpose 宗旨

The purpose of the Chinese for Christ New York Church is to bring together the saints, establishing one another in the Lord Jesus, preaching the gospel, bringing people to the Lord, witnessing for Christ, and edifying believers, to fulfill the commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.




Statement of Faith 信仰綱要

  1. We believe in the one true God --- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in Trinity.

  2. We believe in Jesus Christ, God's beloved and only begotten son, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, the Word becoming flesh and living among men; He bore the burden of the world's sin, gave His life, and shed His blood on the cross; He was buried, but rose from the dead on the third day; later, He ascended into heaven and now sits at God's right hand to intercede for all saints; He will come again to receive the church, establish the heavenly kingdom on earth, and judge the world.

  3. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter who reveals and inspires; He convicts men of sin, makes them repent, and gives them new life; He comforts and upholds the believers, and sanctifies them to a victorious life.

  4. We believe that the Bible, comprising the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired word of God, the only scripture of Christianity, and the final authority of Christian faith and living.

  5. We believe that Satan sinned from the beginning; he is the prince of the world, ruling this dark world; he is also the prince of the power of the air; he is the evil spirit who works in the hearts of the sons of disobedience; he is the source of all evil, and is the enemy of all goodness.

  6. We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but because of his rebellion and disobedience to God's will, he sinned and is doomed to perish, at enmity with God. Thus, man must be born again. He must receive Jesus Christ as his personal savior and believe in the salvation through the cross of the Lord Jesus, and be forgiven of his sin by means of Jesus’ precious blood; only then can he become a son of God and not perish, but have eternal life.

  7. We believe that the church is the body of Christ built by the Holy Spirit; it is the house of the eternal God, of which Jesus Christ is the head, and all saints are joined together in the Lord Jesus as members of one body.

  8. We believe the Bible teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman and “the two will become one flesh” for the building up of a godly family. (Gen. 2:24-25; Matt. 19:5)

  1. 信獨一真神 -- 聖父,聖子,聖靈,三位一體。

  2. 信耶穌基督:神的獨生愛子,由童貞女馬利亞藉聖靈感孕而生,道成肉身,降世為人。擔當世人的罪,捨身流血死在十字架上,埋葬,第三日從死人中復活,後升天,在父神的右邊為眾聖徒祈禱。還要再來,迎接教會,在地上建立天國,並要審判世界。

  3. 信聖靈保惠師:為啟示感動,使人知罪悔改,賜人新生命。安慰,幫助,使信徒成為聖潔,過得勝生活。

  4. 信聖經:新舊約全書,是神的話,是神所默示的。為基督教惟一的經典,是信仰生活最高的準則。

  5. 信魔鬼從起初就犯罪:是世界的王,管轄這幽暗的世界。又是空中掌權者的首領,是現今在悖逆之子心中運行的邪靈,是罪惡的根源,眾善的仇敵。

  6. 信世人原是照神的形像樣式造的:後因悖逆,違背神的旨意,犯罪而自取滅亡,與神為敵。故此,人必須重生,就是接受耶穌基督為個人的救主,信靠主耶穌十字架的救恩,藉著祂的寶血,得蒙赦罪,才能恢復神兒子的地位,不至滅亡,反得永生。

  7. 信教會是聖靈所建立基督的身體:是永生神的家,耶穌基督為元首,聖徒在主耶穌基督裏互相聯絡為肢體,成為一體。

  8. 信聖經教導: 婚姻由一男一女的結合。「二人成為一體」、建立美滿的家庭。(創二24ㄧ25;太十九5)